With Chelsie Markel, Intern Jimi, Chris Harvey
and Kurt Wewer at Grain + Verse
Continuing the run up to Harrisburg Beer Week we took a trip to Grain + Verse just outside the city to sit down with Chelsie Markel of Stouts and Stilettos and beer week organizer, HBW Intern Jimi, Homebrew Liaison Chris Harvey, and Grain + Verse Executive Chef Kurt Wewer. Sadly, for the first time ever Steph was absent but we made do with news stories including a distinctly “feminine” beer and a bit of The Rice is White in Happy Fun Time Games, all while sampling brews and food and chatting about the second Harrisburg Beer Week.
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The Lineup…
- Harvey Topper
8% DIPA Homebrew by Chris Harvey - Mango Harvey Topper
8% DIPA with Mango - Virgil
12.9% ABV Bourbon Barrel Aged Dark Ale
by South County Brewing
- Chilaxis of Evil
9% ABV Dark Saison with Guajillo Peppers
by Intangible Ales - Wee Dame
8% ABV Wee Heavy by Aldus Brewing - Brown Beard
Rum Barrel Aged Coffee Oatmeal Brown by Free Will