100th Episode Extravaganza at Canal Street Pub
We made it to 100 Episodes! To celebrate this Beer Busters milestone we held a live podcast celebration at Canal Street Pub and invited a slew of past podcast guests to come out and share in the festivities. We have been overwhelmed by the support of the craft beer community in the years since we first launched Beer Busters, and this event only served to solidify how awesome so many of the friends we’ve made along the way truly are. Words cannot express our gratitude for the generosity our fans and friends showed on this momentous occasion, and throughout the life of Beer Busters. We want to truly and deeply thank all of you, everyone who has been on the show, everyone who has supported us and, especially, to all of our fans who have taken this journey with us. There would never have been 100 episodes without all of you. And here’s to 100 more!
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The Lineup…

Trevor Hayward
Evil Genius Beer Company
Francisco Ramirez
Mad Chef Craft Brewing
- Evil Genius Beer Company 2015 I’ll Have What She’s Having
9.4% ABV Chocolate Hazelnut Imperial Stout

Josh Bushey & Troy Reynard
Two Rivers Brewing Company
- Two River Brewing Company/Beer Busters Podcast Going to Easton
6% ABV Hoppy Sour

Mike & Kristen Brubaker
Moo-Duck Brewery
- Moo-Duck Brewery Barrel Aged Isosceles
9% Barrel Aged Tripel

Curt Keck & Kevin Curry
Hijinx Brewing Company
- HiJinx Brewing Company Barista’s Choice
5% ABV Coffee Brown Porter

Mark Brault & Josh Fryauff
Deer Creek Malthouse
- Deer Creek Malthouse The Vapors
4.8% ABV Smoked Tart Saison

Matty Fek
Beer Busters Superfan

Kevin Margitich & Josh Gwinn
Hidden River Brewing Company
- Hidden River Brewing Company Bines and Vines
5.3% ABV Watermelon IPA

Adam Gray
Arooga’s Grille House & Sports Bar
- Stone Farking Wheaton w00tstout (2016)
13% ABV Imperial Stout

Kirby Powell
Saucony Creek Brewing Company
- Saucony Creek Brewing Company El Toro Fuerte Ale
8% ABV Strong Ale

Colin Presby
Carnival Cruise Line
Mike Kuhns
First Ever Beer Busters Guest
- Ninkasi Brewing Company Bourbon Barrel-Aged Ground Control
10% ABV Imperial Stout

Ron Herman & Greg Lamoree
Taylwind Brewing Company
- Taylwind Dragon Tayl
8.6% ABV Tea Beer - Taylwind The Leprechaun
8.5% ABV Tea Beer

Mark Graves
Cape May Brewing Company
- Hardywood Park Craft Brewery 2016 Bourbon Barleywine
13.3% ABV Barleywine - Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery Chai Tea Virginia Black Bear
9.3% ABV Imperial Stout

Paul Miller
Hop Hedz Gear

Vaughn Quinter
Golden Avalanche Brewing Company

Dain Shirey
St. Boniface Craft Brewing Company

Dusty Wise
Canal Street Restaurant & Pub

John Stemler
Free Will Brewing Company