Beer Busters Podcast does not stand for harassing, threatening, or discriminatory words or actions from anyone, including podcast hosts, guests, and attendees.
Be Kind
Our goal as a podcast is to promote a stronger beer community. We promote a space of kindness, where all are welcome and feel safe. During a podcast interview or event, we want to create an environment where everyone is encouraged to participate, speak up, ask questions, and engage in conversation. In order to do this, an environment free of harassing, threatening, or discriminatory words or actions is necessary.
Speak Up
If you witness harassing, threatening, or discriminatory words or actions, please bring them to our attention immediately. If you would feel more comfortable reporting it at a later time, please contact
We will take appropriate action including, but not limited to ending a podcast interview, asking a guest or attendee to leave, or removing content from our podcast platforms.
Harassing, threatening, or discriminatory words or actions include, but are not limited to:
- Bullying of any kind
- Intimidating words or actions
- Threats of violence
- Offensive comments related to race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, religion, age, disability, or mental illness
- Sustained unwelcome attention
- Unwanted physical contact
- Stalking or following
- Harassing photography or video recording
We Care
Diversity and inclusion in the beer industry is incredibly important to us. We are committed to being an inclusive podcast, actively highlighting underrepresented people and groups, and using our platform to boost voices in marginalized communities.