267: BierHall Brewing (or Algorithms)

267: BierHall Brewing (or Algorithms)

With Chris Rommel from BierHall Brewing

From another amazing Lancaster brewery, joining us this episode is Chris Rommel, co-founder – along with his brother Jim – of BierHall Brewing. With a tap list focused on German and lager style beer (but always including a range of seasonal and classic styles) and a full menu of German and American pub grub, BierHall is a place to gather, a hall that welcomes all. We hit the usual notes, discussing what brought the brothers to opening BierHall, including Chris’ experience learning brewing in Germany. Plus, in Happy Fun Time, we return to a game we’ve only played once before: Untappd Word Count (or, How Many Beer Results Do You Get If You Search These Words on Untappd?) Which is pretty self-explanatory.

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